Business Emirates # 09 (July - August 2006) - page 90

StateDepartment of Tourismof Ukraine
takes active part indevelopment of yachting
tourism concept. The restorationof Yachting
Clubof Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol has begun.
YachtingMarina construction inAlushta and
Evpatoria iswaiting the investments. The project
of opening a chainof at least ten yachtingports
along the coast will set the newprospects for
yachting tourism, which is a hot trend in the
wholeworld today.
Constructionof Donuzlav Sea Port is vastly
important for thewhole southern regionof
Ukraine. Thewater is deep in this port and the
ships that couldnot get toother Crimeanports
(likeKerchor Feodossiaports) can find theirway
into this harbor. Thewhole complex is scheduled
for commissioning in2011, however as early as
since2009, it is planned toget the annual profit
in the amount of roughly 500millionUSdollars.
Just the complex constructionproject alone
will hire12 thousandpeople. Foreign capital
investment into thismajor competitiveproject
will help integrateUkraine into the European
economic space.
Industrial production inCrimea includes
more than255 large andmediumenterprises
withover 75 thousandemployees, plusmore
than1,800 small businesseswith16 thousand
Extractive industry is focusedon theuse
ofminerals andother rawmaterials of the
peninsula. Theminerals and rawmaterials
resources areestimated, as follows:
• adsorption clay, cement components, facing
stones, cutting stones and limestone–more
than for 100 years;
• chalk, construction stones and sand,
claydite– at least 50 years.
Extractive carbohydrates resources inAzov
Sea –Black Sea region areestimated tobe1.5–
2.5 trillion cubicmeters ingas equivalent or 30%
of theoverall carbohydrate resources of Ukraine.
Crimehas quiteunique resourceof salt
lakes brine (withecologically justifiedextraction
levels), carbonate rawmaterials, salt, healing
mud, thermal water andotherminerals.
There are anumber ofmajor chemical
factories inCrimea thatmakeuniqueproducts:
• titaniumdioxide andmineral fertilizers
• soda ash;
• liquidbromine, ironbromide, propane
dibromide andbromide salt.
Machine-building industry is representedby
9 researchorganizations and50enterprises. Also,
there are12 research, design anddevelopment
bureaus inCrimea.
“Zaliv”ship-buildingplantwharf has built
roughly 300 ships of different classes including
surer tankerswithdeadweight of 182 thousand
tons, Panamax type tankers, frigates like “Hetman
Sagaydachniy”and atomic lighter carrier/
container ship “Sevmorput”. For thepast ten
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